Connecting Ireland: Consultation on rural transport plan – closing date 10th December 2021

The aim of the plan is to increase connectivity, particularly for people living outside our major cities and towns.
The Connecting Ireland proposals for Meath services are available below:
Meath: Proposals, network tables, and maps are available to view here.
What will Connecting Ireland proposals mean for Meath?
- Improved access to Dublin from Navan & Kells.
- New interurban bus route across the county between Drogheda and Mullingar/Athlone via Slane, Navan, Trim and Ballivor.
- New interurban bus route across the county between Dundalk and Mullingar via Ardee, Carlanstown, Kells and Delvin.
- New local bus route connecting Athboy, Navan, Kentstown, Duleek, Donore and Drogheda.
- New local bus route connecting Enfield, Longwood, Ballivor, Kildalkey, Trim, Dunderry, Balbradagh/Robinstown and Navan.
- The final plan will shape transport services for the next 5 years.
It is important for the NTA to get the views of members of the public – particularly those in rural areas – about Connecting Ireland.
An online survey is available to give your feedback.
This survey is also an opportunity to identify areas, villages or towns which do not have sufficient services and/or are not included in the Connecting Ireland plan.
To submit your feedback, please visit the survey by clicking here.
The public consultation closes on the 10th December 2021.
Flexibus submission to the NTA:
Flexibus-Local Link is a community-based transport service and will be a making a submission to the NTA. If you live in an area with transport service needs, you can also email with your feedback.