Strategic Planning Workshop for Clubs: Meath Sports Partnership – Wednesday 8th December 7.30pm

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Meath LSP in association with 2 into 3 Consultants are delivering a Strategic Planning Webinar for sports clubs on Wednesday, December 8 at 7.30pm-9pm online via Zoom.

This webinar will help set clear direction to club’s objectives to ensure focused future development.

This webinar is aimed at sports clubs with ambition to grow their club sustainably.

What topics are covered?

  • Why your club needs a strategic plan
  • What is a robust strategic plan?
  • How to develop an ambitious & achievable plan
  • What are the next steps?


After attending you will:

  • Appreciate the importance of strategic planning to overcome challenges and plan for growth

Who should attend this Workshop

  • Sports clubs with ambition to grow their club sustainably


*Strictly 1 participant per club. Please ensure this is someone on the club committee who drives development of the club and has some sort of knowledge/ interest in strategic planning.

Cost is €20 per person.


Register here.

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