Creative Technologies Training in November/December 2021

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Kinia have new training opportunities coming up in November and December in our Creative Technologies project sponsored by Creative Ireland.

The training will be running online in 2 two-hour sessions over two weeks. There are 4 different training types with the dates listed below. All participants will receive a kit with equipment for use in their work with young people based on the training that they complete.

The training is available to staff and volunteers working with young people in out of classroom settings (e.g. youth work organisations, school completion programmes, family resource centres, etc.).


Training Type: Digital Creativity – Introduction to Mobile Filmmaking

Option 1: 18th and 25th Nov – 10am to 12pm

Option 2: 2nd and 9th Dec – 10am to 12pm


Training Type: Digital Creativity – Introduction to Podcasting

Option 1: 18th and 25th Nov – 2pm to 4pm


Training Type: STEAM

Option 1: 17th and 24th Nov – 10am to 12pm

Option 2: 1st and 8th Dec – 10am to 12pm


Training Type: Computer Science – Introduction to BBC Microbit

Option 1: 19th and 26th Nov – 10am to 12pm

Option 2: 3rd Dec and 10th Dec – 10am to 12pm


Places will be allocated on a ‘first come first served basis’. If places are filled we will arrange training for applicants for a later date.


Please use  this form to register



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