Club Grant Scheme 2021: Meath Local Sports Partnership
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Meath Local Sports Partnership is calling for applications under the following 3 grant schemes:
- Return to Participation – Max €1,000 This club grant is designed to support clubs in increasing participation in sport & physical activity, particularly amongst targeted groups (see grant criteria for more information). Deadline for return of applications – 14th October.
- Volunteer Supports (Training & Education) – Max €1000 This grant is designed to support clubs in upskilling new & existing coaches and volunteers to increase participation in sport & physical activity. Deadline for return of applications – 21st October.
- Equipment – Max €500 This equipment grant will support clubs to purchase additional equipment for their regular club activity or to increase participation in sport & physical activity. Deadline for return of applications – 14th October.
Applications are sought from registered sports clubs in County Meath and schools and community groups delivering sport and physical activity programmes.
Please Note: Youth Organisations are ineligible as they qualify under the LMETB youth club grant scheme, visit for more info. Limited funding available for above Grants.
Application forms and criteria are available to download below
Return to participation:
Volunteer supports (training & education):
Meath LSP Website: