Family Educational Program for family members living with addiction issues

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Family Educational Program for Family Members living with addiction issues

Does someone you love have alcohol or/and drug issues?

We know how difficult this is. Addiction is a complex issue that affects individuals and their families and the wider community. Families can become disconnected, our relationships suffer and we can feel isolated and helpless.

F.A.S.N are hosting the highly recommended Family Educational Program for family members developed by the The Rise Foundation, which offers practical support, relevant education, coping strategies and the opportunity for people to connect through their shared experiences.

Two programs will take place online on the following dates:

  • First Program will commence Tuesday 28th September and conclude on Tuesday 30th November
  • Second Program will commence Thursday 30th September and conclude Thursday 2nd December
  • Starting time: 6.30pm and finishing at 9.30pm


Please contact F.A.S.N for further details or to book your place on the following numbers:

087 904 6405 / 042 935 5251     Email: info.fasn@gmail.com


This initiative is funded by Pobal through the Healthy Ireland Fund with the support of Meath Local Sports Partnership and Meath CYPSC.

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