PPP Structural Review – National Survey: closes on Friday 25th June 2021
The PPN structural review survey is closing this Friday evening, 25 June. We hope you will take the time to fill it in – the more responses the survey receives, the more accurately it will reflect the views of all those involved with PPNs.
If you started the survey before but did not get to finish it, don’t worry! There is still time to go back and complete your response – just make sure you use the same device and browser, and you will be brought straight back to where you left off last time.
You can access the survey at https://mazarsconsultancy.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_eD8bn33TuAufL9Q
If you have technical questions about the survey, please contact PPNsurvey@mazars.ie.
This survey will have an influence on the final review recommendations, so this is a key way to make your voice heard.
The next phase of the review will be a series of online workshops. These workshops will discuss the survey findings as well as the strengths and challenges of the PPNs as well as suggestions for the future. Further information about the focus groups, including dates, will be available shortly.
This review will influence the PPNs’ development over the coming years – now is the time to play your part in shaping PPNs’ future.
An Roinn Forbartha Tuaithe agus Pobail
Department of Rural and Community Development