‘Building Back Better’: NDA Consultation event 14th May 2021

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Building Back Better: The Post-Covid-19 world for persons with disabilities

Date: Friday 14 of May 2021

Time: 10am – 1pm

The National Disability Authority is holding an online consultation to listen to the views of persons with disabilities and DPOs on “Building Back Better: The Post-Covid-19 world for persons with disabilities”.

Obtaining the perspectives of persons with disabilities is essential for the work of the National Disability Authority as these inform our work and advice to government. The consultation will focus on employment and training, education, everyday living and the use of technology in these areas.

The keynote speakers will be providing input from their lived experience and the breakout sessions are designed so that we can hear from as many persons with disabilities or their representatives as possible.

The meeting will have ISL/English interpretation.

This is a free event.

Register to attend the consultation event.

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