Mental Health Act 2021: online discussion sessions
HSE Mental Health Engagement & Recovery and partners, Mental Health Reform are holding online discussion and update sessions on the Mental Health Act 2021:
Sessions area an opportunity to
- Learn more about the current law and debates that have taken place to date.
- Gather with other interested people to share your experience in informing a submission to the Department of Health on the key themes in the new Mental Health Act.
These information and discussion sessions will be held over two days –
- April 15th – Information session hosted by Mental Health Reform
- April 16th – Discussion and feedback session hosted by Engagement and Recovery.
Learn more about the information session HERE
Learn more about the discussion session HERE
To register, please click the Eventbrite link below before 2pm on April 13th.
The reason that we are having these facilitated discussions is because the government of Ireland is making significant changes to the law setting out how people in mental health crisis are to be treated under what is known as the Mental Health Act.
There is growing clinical and societal understanding of the causes and impacts of crisis in mental health. The HSE has adopted recovery and person-centeredness as core principles in how people are treated. In parallel, Ireland is part of an international community agreeing and implementing higher standards on human rights and individual dignity.
Together, these developments require us to make changes in the current legislation in the Mental Health Act guiding how we intervene when someone is in mental crisis.
HSE Mental Health Engagement and Recovery,
Useful Information: