2021 Local Youth Club Grant Scheme

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Under the Local Youth Club Grant Scheme (incorporating the National Quality Standards for Volunteer-led Youth Groups), one-off grants are being made available to local youth clubs/groups to assist with their development needs including supporting administration, programme and services costs. 

Louth and Meath Youth clubs/groups are invited to apply for one-off funding under this scheme.

Application Form and related Guidance notes may be downloaded from Youth Services & Projects section in LMETB at the following link: www.lmetb.ie/youth-services-projects/youth-services/  and are included below:

Local Youth Club Grant Scheme 2021 Information and Guidance – pdf

Local Youth Club Grant Scheme 2021 Application Form – word

Please note the following

  • Deadline for receipt of completed application forms is 5pm, Friday, May 7th, 2021 
  • Applications will only be accepted through email and submitted to: youthservices@lmetb.ie
  • Postal applications will not be accepted
  • Applications received after this date will not be considered in any circumstances. 

Funding for the scheme is provided by the Youth Affairs Unit, Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth.

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