HIQA: scoping consultation for the development of National Standards for children using health and social care services
HIQA is developing Overarching National Standards for the Care and Support of Children using Health and Social Care Services.
Overarching national standards have the potential to improve the experience of all children using health and social care services, by promoting clarity, consistency and continuity within and between services, and to focus services on the child first, rather than on the individual service needs. These standards, written from the perspective of a child, will help health and social care services to plan for and deliver high quality child-centred services.
HIQA is launching a scoping consultation to give people an opportunity to identify the key areas that these overarching national standards should address, to share examples of good practice, and identify stakeholders who should be consulted.
Briefing document for Overarching National Standards – pdf
HIQA will carefully assess all information received and use it, along with other evidence, to develop the Overarching National Standards for the Care and Support of Children using Health and Social Care Services.
The closing date for the scoping consultation is 5pm Wednesday 23 September 2020.
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