Social Justice Ireland: Weekly Digest
Weekly Digest 15th November
In case you missed them, the top stories from our website this week…
Sustainability, the Environment and Rural Communities
Budget 2020 does not contain the ‘bold and new decisions’ required to meet the ‘defining challenge’ of climate change, and there was no progress on examining subsidies that the CSO has highlighted as potentially environmentally damaging. Read More.
Acknowledging policy progress
We have been analysing and critiquing the Government’s annual budget since 1988, outlining proposals in advance and providing detailed analysis when the Budget is announced. Here, we draw attention to some of the policy areas where progress has been made. Read More.
The need for a new “ecological social paradigm” – President Higgins on Rethinking Economics
On Tuesday, 12th November 2019, President Michael D. Higgins hosted a seminar entitled “Rethinking Economics: The Role of the State in Fostering a Sustaiable and Inclusive Economy”.
In his opening remarks, he cautioned “the prevailing neoliberal model which features markets without regulation, distorted trade and unrestricted globalisation, the priority of the price mechanism and the practice of commodification, speculative investment, and which results in unbridled consumption, yawning inequality and destructive extraction of natural resources is unsustainable from economic, environmental and social standpoints.” Read More.
Calls for Submissions on a Sustainable Mobility Policy
The Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport has launched a public consultation to review Ireland’s sustainable mobility (active travel and public transport) policy “to ensure services are sustainable into the future and are meeting the needs of a modern economy”. The public consultation, which closes on the 24th January 2020, is open to all stakeholders including the public. Read More.
The Challenges of Success – Addressing Population Growth in Ireland
Tuesday, 26th November 2019
In the first of a series of conferences on Ireland’s changing demography, we focus on children and older people:
- What demographic trends can we expect to see over the coming decades?
- How can we harness the ‘demographic dividend’ that comes with having one of the youngest populations in Europe?
- What are the biggest policy challenges around accommodation and care that Ireland will face as older people make up an increasingly higher proportion of our population?
- What policies are needed to support these two cohorts and what solutions are available to meet the challenges brought on by our own success?
Please join us at Croke Park Conference Centre for what promises to be a highly engaging and stimulating conference. – Click Here!