Slane Bypass, Have You Local Knowledge to Share?
N2 Slane Bypass
Meath County Council is currently progressing the N2 Slane Bypass through its Transportation Department . Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII) outline a framework for the phased approach to the development, management and delivery of Major National Road Schemes in Ireland and MCC, with the N2 Slane Bypass is structured so as to ensure consistency in this approach. Please see below a summary of progress to date:
- Scope and Pre-Appraisal – Ensure project alignment with current TII strategic programmes and Plans – This Phase is complete
- Concept and Feasibility – Develop and investigate in further detail the feasibility of the project and project management structure – This phase is complete
- Option Selection – Examination of alterative options to determine a preferred Option – This Phase is ongoing
As part of the current phase “Option Selection” we held 2 public consultations listed below
- Study Area/Constraints
- Scheme Options including a traffic management option
An emerging preferred option will be selected following assessments of inputs from the public, state bodies, technical environmental specialists and evaluation of environmental constraints and additional technical studies.
As part of the finalisation of the “Option Selection” phase, if you have some local knowledge regarding heritage, environment, local issues/concerns in the village or any other issue that may not be generally known or discernible, that you would like to share with the Council, please forward it by e-mail to Going forward we will provide updates on the scheme at various milestones and please note you can get further information at the project web site
All responses should be forwarded by Friday 1st February.